Friday, March 16, 2012

What Will You Do With Your Saturday?

As I was driving through Amenia today, the weatherman was on the radio doing the forecast for the weekend.   I couldn't help but hear the joy in his voice while announcing that there would be sun and warm temps for the next week ahead.  Wow, Spring is here for sure.  So I thought, what will I do with my weekend?  The first thing I will be doing is setting up my stand at the Winter Amenia Farmer's Market.  Then I thought what a great way to start the weekend for all the folks in the area.   And guess what I just heard, we are going to be outside, now if that doesn't say the warm weather is here, woohoo!!

I am so excited and filled with anticipation for this upcoming season.  I have begun work on creating a new recipe for a granola bar.  My taste buds are going crazy (as well as my boys & husband) as I try out different variations.  I am thinking savory and sweet for a new granola bar....what do you think?  If you have any ideas, please let me know.  The new bar will make its debut at the onset of the Spring/Summer Market Season in late May.  I will keep you all posted.

Happy Friday to all and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, 10:00-2:00 at the Amenia Town Hall.


Friday, March 9, 2012

Warmer & Longer Days are here.....Happy Weekend

The saying goes with March "In like a Lion out like a Lamb"?  We have a road trip planned to the Sunshine State at the end of the month, therefore I am hoping March truly exits like a lamb.   Keeping my fingers crossed for that one as this will most likely be our last family vacation for a time due to my son going away to college this upcoming August.  Aaaahh, where does the time go?

I haven't blogged in a few weeks so here's the update on what's new with WholeyOats.  First, this April WholeyOats Granola Bars will be making their debut on the New York City Water Taxis.  If you happen to hail one of these wonderful boats to Manhattan, let me know if you spot WholeyOats.

The Smithy of New Preston, CT will be reopening on March 23rd and will once again carry everything WholeyOats.  Thank you for your support and I look forward to a another fantastic season.

It's looking like a beauty of a weekend, are you wondering what to do?  Here's an idea....Saturday morning get out and enjoy.  Grab a cup of tea or coffee, take a walk through the town of Millerton and while you are doing that, come in to Gilmor Glass and see all of the vendors at the Millerton Farmer's Market.  The Market is having a "March Madness" raffle which includes lots of products donated by each of the vendors....included is a bag of WholeyOats Granola Bars, yum.  We are there from 10:00-2:00, I hope you will be there too!

A great weekend to you all....