Friday, June 15, 2012

Time to try something new......

Happy Friday, Happy beautiful June day......we've got gorgeous weather heading our way for a bit, wow haven't seen a forecast like this in quite some time.  Knowing that just fills me with so much anticipation of doing & creating.  

WholeyOats has been working overtime in the kitchen baking fresh granola & granola bars for your enjoyment and healthy life (mine too!).  As some of you know, I have been considering the idea of expanding my horizons into other venues.  With that said, this Saturday, June 16th, WholeyOats will be making its debut at the Millbrook Farmer's Market.   I will be there from 9:00-1:00.  Millbrook is another great Saturday Farmer's Market in the Hudson Valley that has a lovely town and community.  I am looking forward to meeting some new folks and introducing them to my wonderful granolas.

Now hold on, don't worry I will still be at the Millerton Farmer's Market on Saturday morning....well maybe not me, Pattie, personally, but someone just as nice and a whole lot son Gregory.  He is well versed in all things WholeyOats and has a killer smiler.  So make sure to stop by and say hello, he loves to chat.  Looking forward to a great day at Millerton, as always there will be music and lots of food to eat!

Today, don't forget if you are heading out between 3:00-7:00, the Amenia Farmer's Market will be taking place right off Rte. 22 in the Town Hall parking lot.  We will be there with lots of other wonderful vendors and tons of great food.  Come and enjoy.
